Gabriel’s Story

On each of our children’s birthdays, I tell them the story of the day they were born. The name Gabriel means “God is my strength.” His name was aptly chosen before he was born prematurely at 28 ½ weeks weighing just over 3 pounds. Even in the hospital NICU, he was amazing.

Gabriel was a bright and caring soul who brought happiness, joy, and laughter – a lot of laughter - to those whose lives he touched. He loved sports, all kinds of sports. He loved sports jerseys and athletic shoes. He had a fantastic imagination, sense of humor and loved to make people laugh. Gabe also had struggles and faced challenges. The circumstances of Covid during the Spring of 2020 intensified some of those challenges and struggles. His day-to-day life had been turned upside down. He was a VERY social teen and the isolation, lack of access to resources and overall uncertainty of that unprecedented time, weighed heavily on him…more so than anyone knew.

On May 26, 2020, the unimaginable happened. Gabe took his own life. Our world stopped. Our lives forever changed.

We were devasted, lost and broken. We could not comprehend any part of what had occurred. To this day, we still cannot make any sense of it. Yet, even in the early stages of our anguish and grief, we felt the need to create something that would honor Gabe’s life, his spark and spirit. We felt urged to share Gabe’s story, our story and to be there for others who experience this kind of loss. And thus, Gabriel’s Wings Foundation began, as a light for our family, friends, and community and for others who are struggling or living in the shadow of suicide.

Within days of Gabe’s passing, an enormous fight of dragonflies filled our home’s small backyard. Mind you, in the 15 years we had lived there, we do not recall ever seeing a dragonfly in our yard. It was beautiful and breathtaking, an inspiring, peaceful sign from Gabe. The dragonfly has become a symbol for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It is believed that the dragonflies were given an extra set of wings so the angels could ride on their back. When you see one, it is an exquisite reminder that an angel from heaven is visiting you.

The Gabriel’s Wings Foundation logo centers on a dragonfly to remind us Gabe’s spirit is present. And also, a semicolon symbol; because his story isn’t over.